2023 Lac Vieux Desert Fishing Trip
The Men of the Outdoors made its’ annual trip to Lac Vieux Desert for 2 1/2 days of fishing. Bob Dailey served as our host and made all of his facilities available to us. Bob is an awesome host and we appreciate all he does for us.
We began each day with a devotion drafted by Christian Anglers Association. Our first devotion was entitled “Id Rather Be”. The theme of the devotion was that it’s ok to have a passion to fish as long as our priorities are in order namely our faith, home live, work and then fishing. Our second devotion was entitled “A Secret Meant to be Shared”. This devotion showed how we can use our passion for fishing to share the Gospel. Having started the day with a devotion we were now ready to get serious about fishing. Each day was a little different but our results were fairly consistent. Our primary species were bluegills and perch. We did catch a number of Northerns. The bluegills ranged from 7” – 9” and the perch 8”-11”. Paul Schultz caught the largest fish a Northern at 32”.
We did clean a ton of fish. Thursday night we had a large fish fry and six guys took home their limit.
It was a great couple of days with Christian friends doing what we enjoy doing.