Weekly Devotion July 31,2023
This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with
Bible Study Verse: Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death. NIV.
James 5:19-20
My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought
back, you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back will save that person from death and
bring about the forgiveness of many sins. NLT.
Thoughts: A few years ago, a game conservation lawbreaker was busted in the area where I am
from. He blatantly violated turkey hunting laws by hunting out of season, trespassing, and
exceeding the legal limit. He even went to several states doing the same thing, violating the
Lacey Act. I know the guy, and I’ve heard these words uttered from his lips—I hunt by my own
rules, my own laws, and my own standards. Even though he is a likable guy, I never hung around
him. He disregarded most game laws for a long time and paid the price for his violations. The
good thing about it is that this person has genuinely turned from this behavior, abides by the law,
and enjoys the outdoors.
Action Point: There’s a world full of folks with the same philosophy in life, living by their
standards, laws, and rules. They don’t believe in absolutes or do not adhere to God’s commands.
You can rest assured of one thing: there is absolute truth and a standard for all men—God’s Holy
Word. People can believe things that are wrong and think they are right. Our first job as
Christians is to examine ourselves and ensure we are lined up with the Lord’s precepts. Then we
should present the truth lovingly to others as best as possible. The world’s philosophy is that if
you don’t agree with or affirm the actions of someone’s sinful lifestyle, then you are hateful and
not loving. On the contrary, it is more loving not to confirm and not go along with sin and even
more loving to try and show someone the error of their way of thinking.
Sportsman’s Tip of the Day: If you see game violations, you should report them to local Game
& Fish Commission authorities. It is not a good idea to confront a violator yourself. Please leave
it in the hands of the professionals. If the person is someone you know, you may be tempted to
let it slide. Remember that correction now may save them from worse violations and
consequences later.