Weekly Devotion August 14, 2023
Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission
Bible Study Verse: Matthew 4:19
“Come follow me.” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people. (NIV)
Thoughts: This was an epic trip. Probably one of the best I have ever had on the Great
Lakes. There is a very short window in the summertime usually a couple of weeks right after
Independence Day, that the green backs run! Summer Skamania is a hybrid steelhead that
I’m pretty sure can jump higher than any other fish in Lake Michigan. Many fish this day
were well over 8 feet in the air on every jump. Pulling them in from 300 feet back using lead
core takes a while, but it’s so fun with multiple jumps on their way into the boat. They are
delicious to grill, and you definitely go home with tired arms. I never complain about tired
arms after a day like this and it makes up for those days where you don’t catch any fish.
Action Point: The commands in scripture are amazingly easy to understand. They boil down
to two things. Love the Lord our God with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. And love
your neighbor as yourself, so you can go tell people about Jesus. That’s it. So, why is it so
hard for us to do it? That’s easy too, the sin of the world is all around us every minute of
every day. But we are commanded to spread the gospel and tell people about Jesus. I look
at it just like fishing. Somedays we have to figure out what bait they are biting on and what
technique works the best to get them to commit, so we can haul them in the boat. Even Jesus
ate with sinners and tax collectors and the sin of the day, so they could learn about the love
He came to share and that there is salvation for all people. Take a chance today and share
Jesus with someone you know, perhaps on that next fishing trip!
Sportsmen’s Tip of the Day: One way to share the gospel easily is to give someone a
Sportsmen’s Devotional business card. Ask permission to leave them at your local
businesses like gun stores, fishing establishments, churches, wild game dinners, and so many
other locations. Simply email Sportsmen’s Devotional and they will send you as many cards
as you want, at no charge.