Weekly Devotion August 28, 2023
Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission
Bible Study Verse: Colossians 1:28
He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may
present everyone fully mature in Christ. (NIV)
Thoughts: On my daughters Javelina hunt we encountered some challenges, but were eventually
rewarded with a well-placed shot resulting in a very quick kill. The hunt didn't start out that way
though. We began our hunt by tracking a herd of pigs into a mesquite thicket and decided to
"call" them out. As soon as we started calling, we were over ran with pigs. They were running all
around us and my daughter was unable to make a good shot.
Lesson learned? Turn the scope down from 9X to 3X when in close quarters with your game, and
don't put yourself so close next time. The next time, an hour later, resulted in a similar situation,
but with an excellent shot. What made this hunt so much different from all her previous hunts
was when I gave this somewhat surprised 15-year-old girl step by step instructions as she
completely field dressed her kill by herself.
Action Point: Like a hunter teaches his son or daughter all aspects of hunting, God has always
provided ways for His people to mature and to become complete. Not only is God focused on
maturing our faith, but as we see in the passage above, He uses his children to mature one
another also. Discipleship can be accurately defined as "the voluntary instruction process that
leads to strengthening and joy." It can take on many different forms, such as peer relationships
(two mature Christians calling each other higher and deeper in Christ), or mentoring by a more
experienced believer. Whichever you choose, just remember God calls us to let our light be seen
(Luke 11:33) and share the hope we have in Christ with others.
Sportsmen's Tip of the Day: If you want fewer people to know where your favorite hunting or
fishing spot is, don't leave evidence that you have been there. In my profession I have the
opportunity to see the tell-tale signs hunters and fisherman leave behind that reveal frequented
"honey holes." bonfire-size fire rings, packaging from various fishing supplies (hooks, sinkers,
lures, bait), as well as shell casings, boxes, and piles of bird parts. Make sure to pack it all out
with you and there will be less chance that others will recognize the area as a "hot spot."