Weekly Devotion November 13, 2023

This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission

Bible Study Verse: 1 Thessalonians 4:9 
Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. (NIV) 

Thoughts: What a great deer my friend Bill Z. got last year during bow hunting. You see I have several really good friends named Bill. That still makes me laugh when I think about it, but when I meet a new guy named Bill, I usually take notice. The Lord has blessed me with great friends along my walk, but not a lot of them are as humble or profound as Bill Z. He is a true blessing in my life and provides a great example of what is means to walk “in the Lord”. He often provides me with Biblical guidance, prayer, and just a shoulder to lean into when I need it. Bill Z. has his struggles too, we all do. My prayer for our readers is that you can also find one or two or three great friends that you can trust, relate to, and lean into when you need help and support. A cord of 3 strands can’t be broken as they say….! 

Action Point: The term brotherhood isn’t thrown around the Bible loosely, it has serious connotations when it’s used, and it’s used a lot. I take it very seriously in my own life when I read it in scripture. You see Jesus just didn’t go up to the first 12 guys he saw and say, “come follow me, we’ll have some fun.” No, He was strategic and had a plan in who He picked and why. Every guy had a story, and you have one too. So, the action point today is to be selective when you are picking your friends or brothers. Make sure you understand where they are at and where they are going. If you end up being brothers, it will only be because faith is involved at some point. After all it’s faith that ties us together and that leads to trust, which leads to long term brotherhood. Find a group you can call brothers; you won’t regret it. 

Sportsmen’s Tip of the Day: If you’ve ever tracked a deer in the fall in the Midwest, it can be tough. The fall foliage and dead corn fields make all things brown and finding blood on brown leaves can be a challenge. Invest in a blood light, it helps a lot and use a tracking app on your phone too.