Breakfast Chat Highlights 2/21/2024


Our chat began with a devotion drafted by Steve Chapman which was based on 2 Corinthians 5:9. The text reminded us that we can enjoy our passion for hunting and fishing, but our Heavenly Father comes first in our lives. 

Terry Dorschner was recognized for his National Wild Turkey Federation award. Terry's award stated  he was "Wisconsin Outstanding Individual Hunter Mentor who recruits the most new Hunters." Terry has introduced well over 100 individuals to turkey hunting. The vast majority of these individuals were youth and the disabled.  Congratulations, Terry!

Hunting and fishing knowledge was shared along with several stories. Given that we all are Christians the stories were true. ( a 12 point buck was a 12-point buck and a 300-pound bear was a 300-pound bear)

Our chat ended around 10:00 AM. Our next chat is scheduled for April 17th at Marly's beginning at 8:30 AM. Hope to see you then.

May God Bless