Weekly Devotion March 4 2024

This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission

 Bible Study Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

Thoughts: The long-awaited opening morning of Spring turkey season in West Tennessee had finally arrived. As opening day approached, I kept watch on the weather in hopes for a little warmer temperature. The particular area where I hunt is not a very large area and is surrounded by crop land. I have seen some hens and their poults, but never any gobblers. As I stood at the edge of the wood line, I felt so grateful to live in a region where I could hunt freely. I prayed to God and thanked him for the opportunity. Each year I look forward to the ability to venture into the woods in hopes of finding a gobbler. On that particular morning, I hadn’t gone too far into the area when I decided to strike several yelps on an old box call given to me by my grandfather. The woods came alive! A lone tom answered back to my calls just a little ways off. I immediately surveyed the area seeking the best ambush point and set up in wait. As the gobbler ventured closer, I transitioned to one of my diaphragm calls. He was waking up the woods that morning with his continuous hair-raising gobbles. Finally, I see him. He appeared to be coming in. He stops 65 to 70 yards out and begins strutting. His wing’s drug the ground. With his tail fanned out, the morning sun shone through the trees and radiated off of his feathers displaying his beautiful color. It was a standoff. Then, I realized, he was not alone. A hen suddenly appeared commanding his full attention. My calls made no comparison to the real deal. The two eventually wandered away together that beautiful opening morning. I may not have brought him home with me, but I was grateful for calling in my first Gobbler of the season 

Action Point: As I reflect back to that opening day hunt, I think about the plan I devised in a matter of seconds relying on my experience, successes, and failures of previous turkey hunts. Even though my plan did not work out, I know one plan which stands firm forever and will never fail you. God’s plan. “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” Psalms 33:11 NIV 

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day: Turkey call-type selection often boils down to individual user preference. While pot ‘n peg calls as well as box calls require two hands, they can often produce more volume and a wider range of tones. Diaphragm, or mouth calls offer hands free calling. They also do not fail when hunting in rain or damp conditions. I have found it beneficial to be well versed in all of these types of calls. I really recommend that if you haven’t learned how to use a diaphragm/mouth call that you invest the time in learning how to use one of these types. It comes in handy when that ole’ tom is close by and any hand/body movement, as discrete as it may seem, could send him running.