Weekly Devotion June 10 2024

This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission

Bible Study Verse: Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. NIV Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. NIV 

Thoughts: Hunting, fishing, and anything outdoors with others is very enjoyable. The outdoors should be shared with others. But sometimes, I need to get away by myself in the field. Nothing is better for me than maneuvering on a gobbling tom, catching bass from my favorite creek, or watching woods ducks fly to roost on a cool autumn evening—all alone. You know the feeling, getting away from the hustle and bustle. It’s reset time. 

Action Point: Corporate worship and gatherings with fellow believers are vital; we should not prioritize outdoor activities over these. Just as necessary is time alone with God. Setting aside time each day to read God’s word and pray is essential to seeking the Lord, knowing Him better, and growing spiritually. Set aside a specific time each day—make it a habit. In addition, when you are alone outdoors, pray like Jesus in today’s Bible verses and always give thanks. 

Sportsman’s Tip of the Day: When you retreat to the outdoors alone, keep a GPS device other than a smartphone. A compass is even better, in my opinion as electronic devices and batteries fail. Always let your loved ones know where you are and designate check-in times for overnight ventures. Have you ever considered a satellite GPS messenger? ZOLEO, Garmin InReach, and Motorola Defy are good options to research for communicating when there are no cell towers around.