Weekly Devotion July 15 2024


This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission

Bible Study Verse; Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (NIV) 

Thoughts: Have you ever been on a hunting trip with friends? I think most of us have, or a fishing trip. Nothing better, and I speak from experience. As I get older, I hunt alone more than I’d like and although have had some luck. I do miss the comradery of a good group of hunting friends. There are times it’s a necessity, especially if you decide to hunt out west. There is a lot of ground to cover out there, and always something that can “get you,” so it’s good to have friends watching your back. 

Action Point: The verse above is a popular one amongst sportspeople. But it really makes a lot of sense when you harvest a large game animal. The bigger the quarry, the more help you’ll need. I think the guidance from Solomon in this verse says it all and works the same way in our faith. We have to always be in the pursuit of the Lord to grow our faith. One of the ways we can always do that is to find a small group of guys to be your bible believing “hunting buddies.” They are there to hold you accountable and stay focused on the truth. Don’t try and go it alone. 

Sportsmen’s Tip of the Day: Do your research before every trip to the field; whether it’s local or in a different state or country. Things can change in an instance. Another reason to hunt with friends.