2024 Sporting Clay Highlights



The 2024 Sporting Clay Event was blessed with a perfect weather day that had very few misquotes. The day stated with a light Continental Breakfast and a Devotion. Our devotion was base on Philippians 4:8-9 which taught us, like hunters who need to develop and practice skills to be successful, Christian men  need to apply and practice Biblical principles to find God's peace in their lives.

After reviewing several safety practices we headed out to the course. There were very few other shooters on the course which allowed us to moved around the course at our own pace. We had several guys who weren't able to shoot, they kept score and pushed buttons. A number of guys had a good day, a few experienced an ok day and the rest just had fun. The group managed to down around 60% of the clay pigeons targets.

When the shooting stopped and the smoke settled we headed to the club house for lunch. J&H always provides us with an excellent lunch.  After lunch we handed out several door prizes, sat around and chatted before heading home.

This is a fun event and we hope to see you at our next Sporting Clay Event.

May God Bless
Men of the Outdoors