Weekly Devotion March 3, 2025
This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with
Bible Study Verse: Philippians 411
Not that I speak from want; I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am in.
Thought: When is enough... enough? If you are like me with a passion for flyfishing, you may also have the challenge to know when to quit. Recently, since we are out in the dead of winter, and trout fishing has been very hit and miss. I’m getting skunked more than I’m not. But every now and then I hit the right spot at the right time. I mean to tell you it is really good the trout are loving the flies, and they are big! So, when do I say, this is a good time to go home and savor the joy of the experience? You know the answer, it’s always just after one more cast!
Action Point: The real answer is to find the secret Paul had when he said, my joy and fulfillment is not in how much I have, or in being a “minimalist”, having very little. True joy is found in having our Lord Jesus, fill our deepest and shallowest needs. So I’m trying a new approach to flyfishing - cutting back on how many fish I catch. I almost always do the catch and release method unless the fish swallows the hook and I take it home for a meal. My personal limit has been seven or so trout. Now I’m finding if I catch 2 to 3 trout fly fishing, that’s a great day! If I don’t catch any like yesterday after work, that was a great day too! Here’s why it was absolutely beautiful with snow on the ground one eagle after another flying overhead, giving their cry of joy, just being themselves!
Tip for the Day: My favorite hobby is flyfishing, so this takes me to some of the prettiest places on earth. Many times, I am so focused on fishing that I don’t lift my eyes up to see the beauty around me. My tip is to take a beauty break every so often and praise God for his beauty around me.