
Showing posts from August, 2023

Weekly Devotion August 28, 2023

This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission Bible Study Verse: Colossians 1:28 He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. (NIV)  Thoughts: On my daughters Javelina hunt we encountered some challenges, but were eventually rewarded with a well-placed shot resulting in a very quick kill. The hunt didn't start out that way though. We began our hunt by tracking a herd of pigs into a mesquite thicket and decided to "call" them out. As soon as we started calling, we were over ran with pigs. They were running all around us and my daughter was unable to make a good shot. Lesson learned? Turn the scope down from 9X to 3X when in close quarters with your game, and don't put yourself so close next time. The next time, an hour later, resulted in a similar situation, but with an excellent shot. What made this hunt so much different from all her previous hunts...

Weekly Devotion August 21, 2023

  This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission Bible Study Verse: Ezra 7:10  For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel. (NIV©)  Thoughts: Every State in the United States has a specific agency that is responsible for the management of wildlife in that State. There are wildlife management agencies at the Federal level as well. All of these agencies publish wildlife management regulations that are to be followed by hunters and fishermen in order to protect and conserve the wildlife we so love. As hunters and fishermen, it is our responsibility to read and be familiar with these regulations. But, knowing the regulations isn’t enough, it is important that we obey and follow these regulations. As parents and mentors, it is important that we teach these regulations to our youngsters and new hunters and, by our behavior, demonstrate to others that it is importan...

Weekly Devotion August 14, 2023

This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission Bible Study Verse: Matthew 4:19  “Come follow me.” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people. (NIV)  Thoughts: This was an epic trip. Probably one of the best I have ever had on the Great Lakes. There is a very short window in the summertime usually a couple of weeks right after Independence Day, that the green backs run! Summer Skamania is a hybrid steelhead that I’m pretty sure can jump higher than any other fish in Lake Michigan. Many fish this day were well over 8 feet in the air on every jump. Pulling them in from 300 feet back using lead core takes a while, but it’s so fun with multiple jumps on their way into the boat. They are delicious to grill, and you definitely go home with tired arms. I never complain about tired arms after a day like this and it makes up for those days where you don’t catch any fish.  Action Point: The commands in scripture are amazingly easy to unders...

Weekly Devotion August 7,2023

This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission Bible Study Verse: James 5:16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. NLT.  Thoughts: A good friend of mine who’s an in-the-money tournament bass angler has given me some solid advice on how to catch big bass when the temps warm up. Big bass will hunt a cool spot as the sun is beaming down and the heat is on. They often hide under thick mats of grass and vegetation. It’s challenging to get a lure in front of them. The best method is flipping a weighted jig through the vegetation. Sometimes the grass mat can be thick, and it takes something special to punch through and get the lure in the bass’s face. A titanium or tungsten jig is the trick—both are dense and heavier than lead. They are made smaller, enabling them to punch through grass mats easily. They drop faster and fish he...

2023 Sporting Clay Event

  Highlights: Sporting Clay Event July 22, 2023 Our event was blessed with some nice weather and very few mosquitoes. The day began with a light breakfast and a devotion. Our devotion centered on the thought that we need to feed our bodies before hunting to help us sustain ourselves in the woods. Likewise, we need to feed ourselves with God’s word to sustain ourselves spiritually in our walk-in life. After a few safety instructions we were off to the course. The course offers 50 flying clay pigeons from various locations and angles. Karl Krueger led the group hitting 44 of them. Several of the guys were in the high 30’s. Most of us were able to knock down more than half of them. After we finish the course, we enjoyed a very nice lunch served by J&H. The day ended with a drawing for a number of door prizes.