Weekly Devotion October 30, 2023

This Devotion was written by Sportsmen Devotional and posted with permission Bible Study Verse: Matthew 18:20 NIV “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Thoughts: Recently I was on a hunting trip with folks I had never met before. Going into this I was wondering how we would all get along and if we would enjoy each other. We had people there from all walks of life. They ranged in age from somewhere in the 30’s into the 70’s. We all had different experiences in hunting, rifle and archery. We came from different geographical locations and had different upbringings. The thing that brought us all together was the conversation around the fire at night where the conversation was fun, exciting and joyful. Some of the stories people told had us all laughing hysterically. What a fun experience. Action Point: When I think of that time spent with these strangers that turned into friends it makes me appreciate how Jesus put us all together to e...