MOTO 2025 Tentative Schedule


With the start of a new year, the Men of the Outdoors would like to share with you our tentative schedule for 2025. It would be nice if we could be more definite, however we don’t always have control over circumstances and dates.

Here is our tentative plan for the year:

Event                              # of Days             Date

Ice Fishing                            ½ Day                  Late Feb.

Breakfast Chat                      2 Hours                2/18/2025

Sportsmen Breakfast            ½ Day                  3/01/2025

Breakfast Chat                      2 Hours                5/21/2025

Quetico Trip                          6 Days                 Early June

Lac Vieux Desert Fish           3 Days                 6/10/2025

Sporting Clay                        ½ Day                  7/26/2025

Boundary Water Trip              6 Days                July/ Aug.

Sight-In                                  ½ Day                 Aug/Sept

Breakfast Chat                       2 Hours               9/17/2025

Breakfast Chat                       2 Hours               11/19/2025

If you would like more information on any of these events just Email us at

In addition to the above events, we will continue sending out our Monday devotions and host 4 quarterly Bible classes during the year.